Sunday, June 29, 2008

Denny's 11th Birthday

Well, my Denny is 11 years old. I can't believe it! It seems just like yesterday that he was only as long as my forearm.

For his birthday this year he wanted to go to the Space Center. He and his buddies went on a Space Mission for 3 hours and then we had cake, ice cream and pizza. After fighting phazers and saving the universe they worked up and appetite.

Beautiful Denny!
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1 comment:

Sarah said...

Eleven?!?!?!? Wow that means we in mean you are getting old. :) I really can't believe he is that old. It seems like just yesterday I was up at EFY while you guys prepared for his great homecoming. He is just as ever.
Bear Lake look beautiful. Camping is something we love to do too. The kids always have so much fun and they don't get razed about getting dirty. The lake looks like a blast. Someday we will have to give something like that a try.